Nice ambience. I also have a question:
Can you tell me your flash class web page?
Nice ambience. I also have a question:
Can you tell me your flash class web page?
Hmmm...actually not sure if we got one. I'm just in an digital arts institute, not really a devoted towards one program so i'm not sure if we have individual web sites for each class offered. I'll ask and send the site if i can. I'm still learning FL once again so thanks for the critique. I may be posting cartoons here within the next 3 months though so look for those as possible reflections from my intermediate Flash class I'm starting this week.
I don't really know what House is, but I like the beat. very catchy. XD
Thanks mate. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
It's actually pretty good. Not as good as some recent works, but still better than most submissions.
Well, its not a recent work. Its probably about 6 months old ;-)
No one can ever play the drum part live, unless there were like 10 people playing the drums at the same time. Lol
hehe, damn straight man.
I can imagine some robot with 20 arms playing it though, and his body is made up of all kinds of alien drums. Man, that would be a sweet video.
Ok...back to reality!
Thanks for the review :)
Very Inspiring
I'm actually thinking of doing a game, and I need great music. This is definately one of them. Nice flow of strings and wind instruments.
And I'm still brushing up my animation skills, so don't expect that game I'm talking about to appear anytime soon. Need the animation to be as good as the music. ;)
Heh, i'm glad you found the music that entertaining. I would look forward to whatever you bring to the table, thanks for the review.
Very nice feeling to it. If you could add some sort of ambient whooshing noise or some slight hum in the background, it would sound like a haunted track.
Keep it up!
Did you use a program to make this? If you did, then what program is it?
Good songm too. All your songs are good!
I did use a program. I used Fruity Studio's, however the sounds you are hearing are from plug in programs called VST's that create very high quality sounds, that you are hearing now. Thanks for the review ^^.
I have a question
What was that drum sound used in the beginning? Not the regular drums, but that exotic sounding one?
Anyway, good song. A nice twist to the DnB genre. :)
Its a rhytmic pad made by stringing a few synths together ;-)
THAT WAS AMAZING! It was strange that the choir reminded me of Worms. lol
Anyway, I like the middle and end. The beginning was
kind of slow. Make it longer! Sounds like something to use in a movie or reality TV show.
I am a fan...
Heh, the beginning was slow you say eh? Yeah it probably was, but if I just jumped into the middle it would be crazy abrupt. In truth I may have extended the opening too long, but that can be fixed by extending the middle by about an hour!!!!
Or a minute, i suppose both would work. This song was intended for a project, since it will not be included (likely), I will probably end up making it longer, as was initially planned.
Thanks for the review ^^.
Amazing. What program did you use to make this?
It's all Cubase. I played most parts on my digital piano (via VSTs), except the strings towards the end, which I premade in Noteworthy Composer, and the drums were programmed in the Cubase Drum Map
I work in the AAA industry. Always learning and improving.
Age 32, Male
VG Developer
New York University
New York City, NY
Joined on 7/16/06